Wisdom Speaks

Wisdom Speaks

Mind in its natural state is clear, open, and receptive.

Unimpeded by conceptual drama, it rests nakedly in the beauty of the moment.

Pure and perfected, like a mirror, it reflects without bias everything it sees, gathering all distinctions into one.

The darkness of delusion is lifted upon the wings of innate awareness.

Propelled by a holy wind, it recognizes its true face in the One who diversifies sacred life.

The patterns that obscure the recognition of Truth are released.

Free from aversion, judgment, and hate, new life arises. Love abounds.

Here in the center of pure being, all the positive qualities dance with joy.

Wisdom speaks.

Compassion arises.

Effortlessly, right action touches the world.

Naturally, great kindness pours from the eyes.

Now and forever, I rest in the Source of my being – clear, open and receptive.

Blessed be.


Images Courtesy Pixabay

See more of Kim’s reflections, poetry and prose on her blog page.

5 responses to “Wisdom Speaks”

  1. Elizabeth C. Matusak Avatar
    Elizabeth C. Matusak

    Dear Kimberly,

    I enjoy your art, nature photos, and every artistic flare you share with your reflections.

    Thank you,

    1. Kimberly Holman Avatar

      Elizabeth. I appreciate your kind feedback so much, and I’m glad you enjoy these reflections. Thanks so much.

  2. Anonymous


  3. Elaine Avatar

    Kim is a gifted poet and writer. And she is a gift to us all. Another gem, thanks Kim

    1. Kimberly Holman Avatar

      Thank you so much, Elaine. You are a gift as well.

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Kimberly Holman

Kimberly Holman is a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher (MMT) with a B.A. in psychology from the University of Maine and an M.A in religious studies from Naropa University.