Contemplative Prayer
Wear It with Style
In a new poem, Kimberly Holman reflects on an eternal wellspring and hidden pearl. Will you wear it with style?
Forever in You
Enjoy a new poem by Kimberly Holman reflecting stillness, silence, and sweet echoes of remembrance. Forever in you.
Returning Again and Again
Kimberly Holman shares a short reflection about the process of contemplative prayer and returning to the sacred moment again and again.
Silence Is My Prayer
Delivered in poetic prose, Kimberly Holman considers the deepening of silence in contemplative prayer in this short reflection.
Mindfulness and Centering Prayer
Kimberly Holman distinguishes mindfulness from mindfulness meditation and contemplates the role of mindfulness in Centering Prayer.
A Simple Way to Deepen Contemplation
In this week’s installment of Mindful Monday, Kimberly Holman talks about listening as a traditional meditation technique and further explains how listening to silence deepens…
Listening to Silence
Silence is a thread running through all of creation. It even paradoxically exists in noise. In deep contemplation, we listen to this golden silence as…
Centering Prayer’s Intentional Gesture of Receptivity
In Centering Prayer, whenever we notice we are caught up in thoughts, the instruction is to return ever so gently to our sacred symbol. But…
Praying the Twenty-Third Psalm to Prepare for Centering Prayer
In this post, Kimberly Holman shares her reflections on praying the 23rd Psalm to prepare for Centering Prayer meditation.
Kimberly Holman
Kimberly Holman is a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher (MMT) with a B.A. in psychology from the University of Maine and an M.A in religious studies from Naropa University.