Just Call Me Martha
This is a challenging time for me. Challenging, but also full of promise and hope. In about two months, I’ll be moving back home. I’ve…
The Evolution of Christian Mysticism
Kimberly Holman traces the evolution of mysticism through the ages, contemplates the stumbling blocks of mysticism as it is understood today, and suggests ways to…
A Simple Way to Deepen Contemplation
In this week’s installment of Mindful Monday, Kimberly Holman talks about listening as a traditional meditation technique and further explains how listening to silence deepens…
Posted On Contemplative Christianity
Longing of a Mystic
Kimberly Holman offers a poetic examination of the mystic’s longing after having tasted a glimpse of freedom and being left with wonder, still yearning for…
Kimberly Holman
Kimberly Holman is a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher (MMT) with a B.A. in psychology from the University of Maine and an M.A in religious studies from Naropa University.