Scriptural Studies
Three Ways of Looking at the Human Condition With Implications for Salvation
How we view ourselves says a lot about how we imagine we might be saved. In this article, Kimberly Holman suggests that being liberated or…
Praying the Twenty-Third Psalm to Prepare for Centering Prayer
In this post, Kimberly Holman shares her reflections on praying the 23rd Psalm to prepare for Centering Prayer meditation.
Posted On Religion & Philosophy
How to Celebrate with Reckless Abandon and Let It All Go
In this holiday message, Kimberly Holman invites readers to celebrate the joys of the season with reckless abandon and then let it all go, suggesting…
Why Humanity is Redeemed By the Cross
A few years back, I published the following article on I encourage you to see it there, as well as all of the other…
Posted On Contemplative Christianity
Five Stages of Transformation on the Christ Journey
The journey in Christ is all about transformation. At least five stages of transformation are outlined in the New Testament. If we follow the way…

Kimberly Holman
Kimberly Holman is a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher (MMT) with a B.A. in psychology from the University of Maine and an M.A in religious studies from Naropa University.