Spiritual Journey
Coming Face to Face with Ourselves on the Contemplative Journey
In a short teaching, Kimberly Holman describes the ins and outs of the spiritual journey as we come face to face with ourselves.
Into The Arms of the Prodigal
In a short reflection, Kimberly Holman considers the broad meaning of the word prodigal, the lavishness of God and her own yearning for the Divine…
Posted On Articles, Contemplative Christianity, Meditation & Mindfulness, Psychology & Personal Growth
Circumventing Ego’s Control in Christian Spiritual Life
In a longer teaching article, Kimberly Holman talks about ego, what it is, how it functions, and how to circumvent its control in both practice…

Kimberly Holman
Kimberly Holman is a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher (MMT) with a B.A. in psychology from the University of Maine and an M.A in religious studies from Naropa University.