Nothing Solid
Kimberly Holman discusses the antidote to suffering according to the Buddhist teachings. But wait. There’s nothing solid to hang on to? How is that helpful?
The 60 Day Breaking Point
Most of us can honestly say we’ve never been in a situation quite like this. It’s scary. It’s confusing. It’s difficult. It’s annoying. I’m tired…
Why Mindfulness?
In this week’s short teaching on mindfulness, I ask a really basic question. Why mindfulness? If we’re going to practice mindfulness, it’s a good idea…
Posted On Poetry & Prayers
Finding Refuge in the Midst of the Storm
When I was younger, I described myself as having agoraphobic tendencies. I wasn’t housebound. I could get out and do what I needed to do…

Kimberly Holman
Kimberly Holman is a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher (MMT) with a B.A. in psychology from the University of Maine and an M.A in religious studies from Naropa University.