Love Is Born

As the old hymn puts it, away in a manger, no crib for his bed, the little lord Jesus lay down his sweet head. Sounds like a lowly beginning for one who would be called, Lord.

Of course, this all happened after Mary and Joseph had walked 90 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Mary, in her ninth month of pregnancy, no less.

We wonder. What does this narrative tell us? That divinity is born into humble beginnings? That life can be difficult? That there’s not always room in the inn so we have to make due? Sure, perhaps these lessons are contained in the story.

Yet, there’s another kind of stunning truth being revealed. Right in the midst of it all, love is born. Right there in the nitty gritty bustle of people going to and fro, trying to get themselves registered, find a place to stay, grab a bite to eat, just get along. Right there, in the busyness of life, the anointed one appears.

Love doesn’t evolve,
Love is always disclosed in its fullness.
Love is suddenly realized,
Having been present
Since the dawn of creation,
Yet hidden from the ages
In God who creates all things. 

Love comes into a world where it is bound to die
For the sake of revealing itself to every eye. 

Resting on a bed of hay.
Sweet carols of the angels resounding.
Pure hope opens its eye to the wonders of this world. 

Faith woven in the breasts of a mother,
Suckling the child, surrendered.
A father’s dreams tainted by tears,
Knowing what struggles must inevitably come. 

Yet history is made this night.
Humanity’s rejection of the Divine Embrace
Suddenly forgiven.
What more?
The rest is merely details.
Love is born.

6 responses to “Love Is Born”

  1. Roger Butts Avatar
    Roger Butts

    I love this. Roger

    1. Kimberly Holman Avatar

      Thank you, Roger. I felt like I might be channeling you a little. LOL

  2. Aaron Redsicker Avatar
    Aaron Redsicker

    The whole of the poem is a reflection of scripture as it is wonderful, is counseling, is of a Mighty God, The Prince of Peace (inspired by Is 9:6)

    However thus far, the line “ Love comes into a world where it is bound to die“ has captured/bound itself to my imagination.

    Thank you!!

    In Hi’m

    1. Kimberly Holman Avatar

      Hi Aaron,

      It’s interesting you picked up on that line. That and the following line just kind of came from out of nowhere. I think it applies to all of us.

      Love comes into a world where it is bound to die
      For the sake of revealing itself to every eye.

      Thanks so much for your comment. It means a lot to me.


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Kimberly Holman

Kimberly Holman is a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher (MMT) with a B.A. in psychology from the University of Maine and an M.A in religious studies from Naropa University.