Contemplative Christianity
Lead Me
A new contemplative poem from Kimberly Holman: Say what you want about me. God gets the last word. And my God is all loving, all…
The Homing Beacon
In this short reflection, Kimberly Holman talks about a homing beacon right in the center of her soul.
A New Name
Inspired by Roger Butts new book, Kimberly Holman shares a reflection on what exile feels like for her and claiming a new name.
Hidden In Christ
Kimberly Holman shares a reflection about our deepest self and how it is hidden in Christ.
Our Ecclesial Reality
Enjoy a short reflection from Kimberly Holman about how practice bonds us in an ecclesial reality.
Accepting Our Powerlessness
Kimberly Holman shares a short reflection on accepting our powerlessness.
My Oratio
Kimberly Holman shares a short reflection in the form of a conversational prayer about the vital necessity of contemplation.
Just Call Me Martha
This is a challenging time for me. Challenging, but also full of promise and hope. In about two months, I’ll be moving back home. I’ve…
Coming Face to Face with Ourselves on the Contemplative Journey
In a short teaching, Kimberly Holman describes the ins and outs of the spiritual journey as we come face to face with ourselves.
Anima Christi
Kimberly Holman offers a poetic description of centering into contemplation while invoking Christ: Soul of Christ, animate me.

Kimberly Holman
Kimberly Holman is a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher (MMT) with a B.A. in psychology from the University of Maine and an M.A in religious studies from Naropa University.