The Homing Beacon

The Homing Beacon

There! Right there. In the center of my soul. I sense something like a homing beacon.

This strange pigeon, with all her awkward spots, waddling around, pecking at the ground. She knows.

Somehow she knows.

It’s nothing of her own accord. That I can attest. She has more struggles than spots!

Yet none of that matters. Not to you.

You, right here, in the center of my soul.

You love me with a love so divine, I don’t need to worry about measuring up. You simply don’t measure things the way we silly humans do.

You create with naked abandon, and delight in the Majesty of it all.

Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! Genesis 1:31

Yes, there are problems – so to speak. Earthquakes happened, devastation happens.

What should we expect from an experiment like this?

Do we even wonder at the mystery of it all now that we think we know so much?

Data collected in banks. Wikis too many to count.

This pigeon can’t keep up with it all.

Why do I even try?

Silly societal pressure sends me waddling in all the wrong directions. I peck, but there is no nourishment. The ground is hard and cold.

So I drop right there. Into the center of my soul. Where I sense something like a homing beacon, drawing me ever closer to what matters.

I sink inside this Divine Embrace. There, my heart is redeemed.

Praise be.

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Kimberly Holman

Kimberly Holman is a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher (MMT) with a B.A. in psychology from the University of Maine and an M.A in religious studies from Naropa University.