Posted On Psychology & Personal Growth
Experiencing Pure Awareness While Driving Up Folsom Avenue
Meditation has a way of changing our perspective on many levels. In this post, I talk about my first experience…
The Relationship of Rage to Chronic Pain
Although the whole emotional spectrum is likely involved, John Sarno believes that the primary emotion responsible for chronic pain is…
Working with Emotion in Mindfulness Meditation Practice
Working with emotional energy can be a real challenge, both in meditation and in daily life. We often suppress difficult…
Posted On Memoirs
Using Affirmations to Propagate Health and Find Our Enthusiasm
How much control do we really have in life? In this post, I consider this question in reference to an…
Working with Habits of Impulse
What happens when we meditate just to keep things on an even keel? In this post, I talk about opening…
Posted On Journal
Prayer of Oneness
This is a prayer of oneness referencing Colossians and the gospel of John. It is offered in the realization that…
Exercising the “Oops” Reflex in Meditation and Prayer
Although Centering Prayer and Mindfulness Meditation are two very different practices, in this post, Kimberly talks about one thing both…
Posted On Contemplative Christianity
Five Stages of Transformation on the Christ Journey
The journey in Christ is all about transformation. At least five stages of transformation are outlined in the New Testament.…